Yes, we did IVF again and it worked!!!
A singleton this time.
I guess it's "early" to announce it, but I figure I'm feeling very positive and good vibes and prayers will only help! I am 9weeks 5 days and am not feeling all that well. We had our 3rd ultra sound today, and here is the picture of our little peanut!
My due date is 8/27/08.
We are esctatic!
The 2 beautiful embroys we transfered. It could have been twins again....
IVF sounds sort of non-chalant right? I thought this might make it all a bit more "real" for what I just went through. These are the drugs that I injected into myself. This isn't any of the used needles, nor the bottles that were for multiple days. I had meant to take a picture of all the drugs and needles before I used them but forgot to do so. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy! I'm still on Progesterine actually. I was luckily able to switch from the 2.5 inch needle nighly butt injections a few weeks ago, I was hardly able to walk and I had to have my incredibly nice neighbor give me the shots when Brian was out of town or at work! I did that for 8 weeks! in Addtional to the daily injections I had for 3 weeks before that. Doctor visits, surgery. IVF is a very big deal, it's very stressful, very expensive and a huge emotional roller-coaster. We are very lucky it worked again for us.