
Monday, August 03, 2009

I Pledge of Allegiance

Our smart little girl! While we were on vacation we realized that Kaitlyn knew the entire Pledge of Allegiance. We think she learned it in her Special Education class. Thank you Mrs. Gail Wish! Turn up your volumn as Kaitlyn's voice is quiet!


Anonymous said...

That's the cutiest thing I have seen all day!!! Thanks for sharing!

Tasha said...

Woo hoo! You go girl! That was AWESOME!

Jennifer said...

I love this video :) she is getting cuter and cuter by the day! Miss Kaiti, you are so smart, and have come a long way!

Cora said...

Wow. That's really impressive, and darn cute too.

Anna said...

she's so good!

Anna said...

she's so good!

Trisha said...

What a little smartie! Sooo cute!

Catherine Chandler said...

How precious! That is so so sweet!

Rebecca said...

very cute!!!! I love the chubby cheeks too, btw!!

Shannon said...

Clapping! Yeah Miss K! Ummmm, K is growing up! Her face has really filled out Liz.
-Shannon in Austin

Zack's Mom said...

Dang! She's smart is she?? That was really nice to watch!

P.S. I've contacted you before about my son Zack..he is VERY much like Kaitlyn was...vomiting constantly...anyway, things are improving slowly...his vomiting has gone from 6-7 times per day to once a day and some days NONE! He is almost 2...finally eating purees...small steps. Thanks for your support.

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,

This is Melissa!Your daughter is super smart.I took out my child's mickey button one month ago.There was no leak or anything but the hole is still there.My friend said sometimes doctors need to do surgery to close the hole.I have no idea how it would be after the mickey button is taken out.I know you did that with Kaitlyn.Did you have to do surgery to close the hole or it was just happened automatically?Is there any mark there?Could you let me know?


liz.mccarthy said...


My daughter still has the "hole" on the outside, but it doesn't leak, it looks like a 2nd belly button. It only needs surgery if it leaks, then it needs to be sealed surgically from the inside. We never needed surgery as it didn't leak. It's slowly closed a bit, but it's still definitely looks like a 2nd belly button.