
Sunday, September 02, 2007

Kaitlyn's Feeding Schedule

I just thought you might like to see a few days in the life of Feeding Kaitlyn:

Recap of the last few days of feeding:

Friday, Every feed Kaitlyn vomited – with the Nanny, 1 with me.

Saturday: 8:30 I decided to let Kaitlyn sleep in, so I tube fed her 4 ounces of Blenderized Diet instead of dealing with an oral feed and vomit. She loves to sleep so we normally have to wake her up at 8:00 for her 8:30 feed.

Make Puree foods. Avocados, green beans, take purees from the night before out of ice cube trays and arrange in the 30 or so different zip-lock bags we have in our freezer. Clean up all the stuff.

11:00 feed. I was due to go our local twins’ summer picnic and I was alone. So I fed her orally about 2 ounces of yogurt and 1 ounce of milk (It’s supposed to be 4 ounces of purees and 2.5 ounces of milk). She kept the oral food down (thankfully) and then an hour later I fed her 2 more ounces of Blenderized Diet (via tube) and 2 ounces of water (via tube)

3:00 feed. Brian gave her this feed orally. She had a huge vomit

5:00 we went to the store as a family (Costo, Target). I’ve been putting off going to the store forever (never enough time between feeds) This feed is typically a bit smaller, so we decided to forgoe another oral feed and gave her 4 ounces of BD (no vomit)

7:00 Oral feed. Got in 3 ounces of purees and about 1.5 of milk (she started giving me vomit signs so I stopped short)

8:30 Put her to bed, gave her the rest of the oral feed via syringe.

9:00 2 ounces of water via tube

Sit down and “relax” for the “evening”
10: 00 – 11:30 6 ounces of BD via tube (which means getting up 4 times to feed her)

After 11:30, flush her gutbe with water, disconnect tube, clean tube, clean syringes, clean everything else from the day of tubes, syringes, purees, blenders, ice cube trays , etc.


Kaitlyn woke up at 6:30, (this never happens) she must have heard dad leaving for work. She eventually went back to sleep until 10:00! Wow (I gave her 2 ounces of water and 2 ounces of BD while she was sleeping)

11:00 lunch feed: got in about 1 ounce of milk and 3 ounces of purees, then she had a huge pghlemy vomit Gave her 2 ounces of BD

Make purres I’m out off, sort through freezer to find what I need and figure out what I’m out of. Take yesterdays out of ice cube trays, label, make new purées, freeze, etc.

Made Blended Diet: fruit, veggies, milk, yogurt, avocados, (darn, I’m out of avocadoes, go to the store and get some), flax seed, probiotics, olive oil, fish oil, chicken, brown rice/Quina. Clean blender once again.

12:00 gave her 2 oz of water via tube

Nap – gave her reflux medicine during her nap and 2 ounces of water

3:00 oral feed. Vomited huge even though I couldn’t finish all of the feed

5:00 oral feed, this is a smaller feed, huge vomit with just a few bites to go

6:00 Gave her 2 ounces of water via tube

7:00 oral feed. I gave her probably half of what she is supposed to eat and yeah, no vomit.

9:00pm 2 ounces water via tube

Clean BD off the ceiling that I regularly spray when filling syringes.

10:00 start giving 6 ounces BD (get off the counch 4 times)

10:00 Liz drinks a very large glass of wine (or a bottle!) I’m writing this at 11pm, still have 2 ounces to give (of the 6 ounces).

12:00 really need to giver her a “night-cap” of 2 more OZ BD as she is so behind on calories. K really hasn’t gained any weight in 2 months.

Some friends wanted me to bring Kaitlyn out tonight to meet with them….I think they called around 4:45….how in the world am I supposed to leave the house with her feeding schedule? Feeling a bit down and sorry for myself. Ugh.

Well, that’s 2 days of feeding my daughter. And they call mother hood easy? (oh and in-between everything, I’m on the computer dealing with work, and this was a holiday weekend). I really, really don’t know how long I can keep this up. I really, really think I’d be going off the deep end completely if I didn’t have my nanny to help. Does that make me a bad mother? I feel that way sometimes.

Happy Labor Day!


Sarah Furlough said...

Liz: You are an amazing mother. I am in awe of all you do for Miss K.

You have been such a champion of the BD! It is really unbelievable all that is entailed in the BD, to see it all written down, just floors me.

I wish I could give you some help, but since we live so far away, I will just send lots of hugs. I am sorry this has been such a struggle for you. I hope Miss K's vomitting decreases soon.

Anonymous said...

dalurking to say this:

i am amazed at how well she is eating now! But i saw in a previous post that the therapists said that if she vomits then act as if it never happened and keep seems that you are stopping her feeds when she vomits....bad habit to teach her.

Just saying! :)

Anonymous said...

You are NOT a bad mother. I have been following your blog for awhile now and I think you are amazing.
I hope and pray that the vomiting decreases

liz.mccarthy said...

Hi Naomi, just to clairify, I try to anticipate vomit (Not easy to do)... (her eyes change a bit, she gets a bit glassy eyed, and gags a few times)...But if she vomits, I ALWAYS feed her some more. If she cougs almost vomits, I also feed her a tiny bit more than stops (if it's towards the end).

Jennifer said...

I am so glad she's eating, i bet you are overjoyed! You have been waiting for this for so long and it finally came to you! You are such a good mom and SO patient!

baby james said...

THere is no way you can call yourself a bad mother or even think of the sort. You are terrific, just look at all you do.Yes I know in sorts how difficult feeding is and empathize completely. You are lucky to have a nanny you need a so called rest. Keep up the great work it sounds very busy. Best wishes. Tracy

baby james said...

I wanted to add, I think us preemie moms (not to knock full term moms) are the best because we never take anything for granted.