
Monday, October 01, 2007


Is it the curse of being a preemie mom that you constantly worry about your child?

Why is it that I can't just be happy with how well Kaitlyn is doing?

Is it because I know too much?

Here is a list of symptoms for infants with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) and my answers for Kaitlyn.

Infant/ Toddler Checklist:

__Do I need to answer this one?__ My infant/toddler has problems eating.

__NO__ My infant/toddler refused to go to anyone but me.

__NO__ My infant/toddler has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

__Yes (sometimes, the dressing part, she's not uncomfortable in clothes)__ My infant/toddler is extremely irritable when I dress him/her; seems to be uncomfortable in clothes.

sometimes-easily furstrated__ My infant/toddler rarely plays with toys, especially those requiring dexterity.

_YES___ My infant/toddler has difficulty shifting focus from one object/activity to another.

__YES (well, she usually noticed, just has a very high-pain tolerance)__ My infant/toddler does not notice pain or is slow to respond when hurt.

___YES-YES!!!_ My infant/toddler resists cuddling, arches back away from the person holding him.

_YES___ My infant/toddler cannot calm self by sucking on a pacifier, looking at toys, or listening to my voice.

___SOMEWHAT, she bumps into things all the time, but isn't floppy- _ My infant/toddler has a "floppy" body, bumps into things and has poor balance.

_YES (just started)___ My infant/toddler does little or no babbling, vocalizing.

__NO__ My infant/toddler is easily startled.

__YES- YES- YES (this is my biggest worry)__ My infant/toddler is extremely active and is constantly moving body/limbs or runs endlessly.

__No__ My infant/toddler seems to be delayed in crawling, standing, walking or running.


BusyLizzyMom said...

Very informative, we are just in the process of changing OT's and I hope our next will address my concerns. I answered yes to 8 of the questions. The one that really strikes me is that she is constantly in motion she nevr stops moving (hands, arms). Elizabeth's teacher had said that the immediate vomiting she does is a sign of sensory integration difficulties.
Hopefully you can get some answers and some help with Kaitlyn. Maybe working on some of the other senses may help with her eating (or lack of).

some mommy type lady said...

Liz, it is! My preemie twins are now almost six, and for me the daily grind is still worrying about health issues, and wondering about their development. I try not to think of the things that the kids cannot do, but its hard. They look like typical children, but definitely are not.

Kristina said...

I don't know, Liz. That list described virtually every toddler I know!
