I don't recall being this sick for years (well, not counting when I almost died from becoming septic after delivery).
Finally feeling bit better today. Poor daddy had to take care of Kaitlyn and do every single feed, every diaper change and Kaitlyn wasn't a fan of mommy not getting out of bed! (and as luck would have it our nanny was sick too!)
Poor little baby peanut, he/she hasn't been able to get any nutrients (or prenatal vitamins) from mom, as I couldn't eat or drink anything for 5 days and couldn't keep anything inside me. If I wasn't better today I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital (for the sake of the baby)
Oh by the way, here's how far along I am:

Congratulations on the wonderful news that you are pregnant. I am so very happy for you.
I pray for Kaitlyn and will pray for this baby aswell.
Em from Australia
I'm so glad you're feeling better!!! Goodness, I thought that you were going to say you had to go get an IV to replenish your fluids and nutrients! Drink up some gatorade of pedialyte for electrolytes :) Hope you feel 100% very soon!
Ahh man poor thing. Hope you get 100% better soon!!!!
Liz, I can't believe I haven't checked out your blog until now. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed it, Kaitlyn is just beautiful!! Luke might start making eyes between her and Miss Eliza Grace!
the other Liz M
oh my! i am sorry you are sacked by ms because i know it sucks but, oh my! i am so happy and excited for you!!!
I had to come check to see if there was any news and there was :-) Feel better Liz and lotsa love to all
K & P
Please feel better soon!!!
Liz- Congratulations on this great news! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts for the next 8 months. Hang in there through the nausea, and everything else. Michelle Flannagan
wow congrads on the baby!!! Kaitlyns gonna bea big sister!!!
congrads again carly tasmania australia
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