I'm always coming across great finds/reads on the internet, just thought I'd share this great post:
A mom's blog about a trip to the grocery store with her autistic kid...very familiar!
Read Blog:
Really makes you think before you judge...
OH ps, Kaitlyn is sick AGAIN, I've been to the docs office 1 time a week for about 4 weeks now. K has a raging ear infection and more cough/ crud, this time her oxygen levels were 91 (should be 99-100). I knew something was up today....
Thanks for turning me on to this blog! I enjoyed this post and have read a lot more of her blog now. Thanks!
And so sorry to hear Kaitlyn is sick again! Keep us posted and best of luck to you!
Liz - Do you ever give Kaitlyn probiotics (acidophilus specially made for kids) to help strengthen her immune system? It might be helpful.
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