Visit with Dad at the fire house. This particular station in San Francisco is in the "Haight", the home of the Grateful Dead. If you look above Brian's head, you'll see that station's logo, which is a Grateful Dead Head! These were taken with my cell phone camera - not very good quality
Close up of Dad and Katie

Bonding for almost Father's Day

Eating Peas. Ok, it looks like she's really going to town "eating" in this picture, but she is really more interested in biting the spoon and blowing bubbles - she grabbed it right out of my hands.

And, you can tell by this shot, she decided to have fun "blowing bubbles" with the peas...this picture really doesn't do justice to the splattering of peas everywhere, including me!

Wow - Peas!

After the pea episode (and a bath), doing a little tummy time. Wow, I'm 12 pounds 4 ounces! I'm becoming a "Big Girl"

Kaitlyn really likes her colorful music box.
Oh what awesome pictures. Baby girls and their daddys are the best!!! Happy fathers Day to him!!!
That was one heck of a day. She's getting so big, though! I love the closeup of her doing tummytime.
And HOORAY for her actually eating solids! I'm sure your feeding specialist is telling you the same thing, but her playing with food isn't necessarily a bad thing. At least she's not REJECTING it!
Those pics with Kaitlyn and the peas are so great.
She is getting so big and the pictures are adorable.. love the bonding with daddy pic.. too sweet :)
Happy Fathers Day to Brian!!
Kaitlyn is such a cutie. You can tell from her pictures she is getting so big. Thanks for sharing her with us on blogger. I hope your husband has a great Father's Day
She is so big! I'm glad that she is doing well and trying to eat her peas. That has got to be a big milestone for her. Go Kaitlyn!
Liz ~ I'm not sure if you're still in the PROM group or not, but I like to check your blog every so often. Kaitlyn looks great! I'm so happy to see and read of her progress. Great job Mommy! ~Kim
Great pictures, I hope Brian enjoyed his first father's day.
Yawn--- I'm exhausted just reading about your busy busy day. I hope things "calmed" down (as far as the driving goes!) after that. I hope your jaw improves and you can get back to food :)
Take Care, Michelle
Wow...she does look so much like her Daddy. Too cute!! I hope he had a Happy Father's Day. I've been following Kaitlyn's progress since I read your comments on a friends blog, preemiehood. I am so touched by your story. Kaitlyn is such a beautiful baby!!
I have just spent the last couple hours reading your Blog from beginning to end! I don't know how I cam across it, but it has truly been a blessing. I have cried, laughed, sighed, prayed and experienced so many emotions. I applaud you for the tenacity with which you have kept up the Blog, and for allowing the world to experience, in some small sense, the wonders of your journey! Your daughter is beautiful, and although I don't know you personally, I do see the resemblance to her father. You had mentioned printing out all the blog entries to give to Kaitlyn and I hope you do so, perhaps having them bound as a book for her. It would be a wonderful story for her, and one that would allow her to truly see the many prayers, thoughts and good wishes that had been sent her way. I cannot begin to imagine the emotions you must have experienced through all this; especially in the loss of Kaitlyn's twin, Corrine Margaret, but I do see the love for both little girls, and my prayer is that as Kaitlyn grows and learns of her "story" that she will never feel that Corrine Margaret is not right beside her, in her heart! God bless you and your family and may the blessings of your lives be long and many. I must admit, I was saddened when I came to the end of the Blog, and it will be a site I will bookmark to check back on and followup with. I know that as time goes on you will become more and more busy as a mom and that the entries will probably lessen, but I do hope that perhaps you keep it up at least through Kaitlyn's 1st Birthday (actual or adjusted!) Again, may God continue to bless you!
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Kim Hagedorn
Beckville, Texas
I LOVE the pics of her with the peas on her face. She is so adorable!
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