Liz has had contractions over the last couple of days, and after some bleeding this morning she consulted with several of her doctors. They decided to go ahead and deliver the baby by c-section, it was not an emergency surgery but they felt it was the best way to proceed. Quinn Edward McCarthy was born at 10:31 am, weighs 4 lbs 14 oz, is 18 1/2 inches long, and was crying at birth. He does have some blood sugar issues and has not yet been able to eat normally, but he is not on supplemental oxygen which is a tremendous thing. The next 48 hours will be an important period, as is typical with premature babies. For those keeping track at home, he was born 34 weeks 5 days.
Mom and dad are both well, mom is in post-op recovery and is both exhausted and excited.
-- Liz's brother Gary
Congratulations Liz and family.
Congratulations to all of you! It's been a hard road and now you finally get to enjoy your new little guy!!
Liz I'll call you soon.
Congratulations I love the name.
Congratulations!! I'm glad everyone is safe and sound and doing well. I know it's rough to have to go the preemie route the second time around, but my 34 weeker (also 34 weeks, 5 days) was a walk in the park after my 27 weeker. I wish you a speedy recovery and Quinn a short NICU stay -- I hope you both are settled in at home in no time!
Yeah!!!! I am so extremly happy for you guys!!! I am so proud of you for holding this little guy in!!! You did an awesome job and can't wait till the llittle guy comes home!!!! Yeahhhhhh
Love the name! And you are going to LOVE how different it is to have a closer to term preemie.
Can't wait to see pictures and hear what Kaitlyn thinks.
Thanks Gary. You are a fabulous brother :)
Welcome to the world Quinn! Congrats!
Welcome to the WORLD little one and congratulations to Mommy, Daddy and big sis, Kaitlyn!!!
Congratulations!!He looks just like Kaitlyn!
He's gorgeous!
Longtime lurker
Congratulations! Great Name! I am so excited for you that he is 4.14 Woo Hoo, still praying for you and yours in Louisiana!
What a precious little guy :) Thank you to Gary for keeping us updated...I was just wondering who would post, if Liz had to go into surgery.
Congrats again!!! Welcome to the world Quinn!
You know Liz, I stopped by this morning before work to wish you an uneventful bedrest, call me if you're bored etc.. (which I did post) and come home after work and find out that you didn't listen ;-) Neither did BBM :-) Welcome Quinn!
He's absolutely gorgeous.. and my first thought when I saw him was how much he looks like Miss K.
Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and a very short stay in the NICU/Special Care Nursery.
I love his name too.. guess I can stop calling him BBM :-)
Lots of hugs from our house!
Kristin & Presleigh & Rachel
ps Gary, thanks oodles for keeping us in the loop.. guess you've seen how many of us have been cheering from the sidelines.
Congrats to you and your family. He looks just like his big sister!!
Congratulations! He is so handsome! Quinn is great name. Cute, but not babyish sounding. It’s making that “Quinn the Eskimo” song go through my head, but that is probably way before your time and known to only those of us of advanced maternal age!
- LT -
Good job Mom!
It's been a rough walk in the park.
Welcome baby Quinn!
No supplemental oxygen! That is HUGE!!! He looks soo much like his big sister!
Congradulations Liz! After scrolling through the comments, I see I am not alone in thinking he looks just like Katilyn. While he didn't quite make it to term, nearly 35 weeks is great. 4 lbs 14 oz is "Golieth" by NICU standards.
Sarah (mom to Evan)
WOW! Welcome baby Quinn! You guys did awesome!!! His weight sounds pretty good for his gestation?!! nice work!
Congratulations!!! I'm amazed how much he looks like his big sister. He looks beautiful and healthy. I hope you guys all get to go home very soon.
Have been carefully monitoring your blog, anxious to get the update. So happy to hear the news. All the best to you and family, Liz. Welcome Quinn!
- Maria K.
Hi Liz,
I am a longtime lurker and just really wanted to say congratulations!!! What a beautiful addition to your amazing family! Quinn is a gorgeous baby and does soooo look like his big sister!! I wish you the happiest "newborn period" ever- you deserve it!
Bay area mom to 29 weeker named Kaitlin (great name, huh!!)
congrats, liz. you made it to 34 weeks! he is beautiful and he is so lucky to have you as his mom. best wishes to you all...nandini from palo alto
Welcome Quinn!!
You did great Mom..34.5 wks is amazing and Im sure Quinn will thrive. All the best
~Abby (from Boston, mom to Jared)
Congratulations Mom! Great Job!
Welcome to the world, Quinn!!!
Congratulations! What a gorgeous little boy he is.
Welcome to your wonderful world Quinn and your wonderful loving family.
Shannon and Family
Liz, Congrats to you for making it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the best,
Congrats Liz! Glad everyone is doing well (and no oxygen!). Is it just me or does he look exactly like Kaitlyn??
Congratulations and tiinking of you!!!
!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!! So happy for you all! He looks so much like his big sis! So handsome! I'm with other posters. No supplemental oxygen at 34wks? WOW! That's great! And, over 4lbs? Again, that's just great! May he thrive and grow like crazy over the next days.......weeks......months.....years:)
Well done the McCarthers! You've all come such a long way : BRAVO! He's a real cracker!!!
Congratulations, Liz, Brian, and Kaitlyn. And welcome to the world Quinn...you may only be a day or so old but you already have a huge fan club. Keep doing great---we want everyone to come home soon!
Congratulations to you all! This is so exciting. I am so very happy for you. He is adorable!
Congratulations and welcome to Quinn.
Wow 4lb14 sounds huge doesn't it, and no supplementary O2!
Here's to a brief NICU stay and happy feeding
(mom to Ciara and Enya)
He is precious..He looks like such a big boy, of course compared to what we're used to he is HUGE!!! Praying for a short stay and a quick recovery for you...
He is so beautiful, thanks for allowing us to be a part of your special moment. Can't wait to hear how big sister is liking him.
Be sure to rest you will have extra duties at home.
Cheryl Huelsman
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy!! He's absolutely gorgeous. It was hard, but you did a wonderful job of keeping him safe. You should be proud of yourself.
Take good care of yourself now. We hope you and Quinn will be able to join Brian and Kaitlyn at home soon.
Our best to all of you.
Jenny, Phil, Ethyn and Mychelle
Liz and family,
Congratulations. Quinn looks gorgeous and healthy!!!!
CONGRATS!!!! He looks so wonderful. I will keep Quinn in my prayers.
Congratulations! I had 2 c-sections. The first one was an emergency and the 2nd one planned.
He looks beautiful! If you need help keeping track of his activities please check out my company www.babblesoft.com. You can keep track of feedings, medicine, diapers, sleep, pumping as well as create a first year baby album. We have a free trial.
Sometimes there is so much to worry about that having a way to keep track of the information can really help with your peace of mind.
Congrats from a lurker!!!
Congratulations. He is adorable
What a cutie, looks JUST like K!!!! SO BIG too, nearly 5 pounds, WAY TO GO!!
Congrats Liz and family. He is sooo georgeous! He looks so plump. Here's to a speedy recovery for you and a speedy NICU stay for Quinn. Love the name BTW...My prayers continue for your family.
PROM list
Congratulations - he is BEAUTIFUL! Prayers that he can get his blood sugar under control and get a good meal down - and that he home soon, very soon! Morgan, a preemie, came home at the equivalent of around 35 weeks!
Congrats he is beautiful!
Another longtime lurker...
He's adorable!! He must seem huge to you after KAitlyn ;)
No O2- amazing...GOD is good!
Congratulations! He's so cute and love the name!! What does big sister Kaitlyn think of her baby brother???
Congratulations! Liz, get some rest!
Congratulations & Happy Birthday to Quinn!!!
I just found your blog (via Tale of Two Utes) and have twin micro-preemies myself (23 weeks 5 days). I'm so happy you and all of your family are doing well! May you enjoy your much needed rest & recovery.
Hugs & Blessings!
Congratulations!!! Well done to all of you and welcome to baby Quinn.
Thanks for keeping us updated, have been waiting eagerly:)
Delurking to say congratulations! He is gorgeous! The first thing I thought when I saw his pictures is that he looks so much like his big sis. Good job, Liz! I also love his name...it's perfect! Jess
Congratulations Liz, Brian and Kaitlyn. Liz, you're my hero. Hang in there...We're praying for a quick discharge for both of you. Can't wait to meet him on our next trip to California! Love, Sara, Matt, Elizabeth and Ruby
Wow he is so cute! I am so happy for you guys! I will pray that he eats well and grows well so y'all can go home. I don't know if you believe in orbs but there is one in your picture where you are putting on your hair cover thingy. I am sure it is Corinne saying she was with you the whole time.
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