Nothing wrong, everything is great, wow it's nice to type that.
Just have been crazed trying to get into the swing of things.
Some basic updates:
-Quinn is a bit anemic so we've had to have a few blood draws
-He's eating like a champ!
-We had a doc visit today and he now weighs 7 pounds 2 ounces! He's at 50% weight for adjusted age
-His due date is tomorrow, 8/27!
-We no longer have to fortify my breast milk with Neosure (which is a formula given to preemies to help them gain weight)
-I'm pumping every 3 hours during the day and about 4 hours at night, and like Kaitlyn am having a tough time of it, I have very sensitive skin and my nipples can't take the abuse very well (any suggestions for help)
-Quinn isn't breast feeding well still (he latches well, but gives up (I think he's just lazy now) and it's too exhausting to try to breast feed, bottle feed and then pump, hoping this isn't making me a bad mom, besides the fact that my poor nipples have taken a beating from the pump).
-I've stated working again, so it's been crazy juggling
-My mom came back once Quinn came home to help and visit for 5 days
-My dad and step-mom came for a day visit last Friday
-Brian's dad came Sunday to help/visit for a week on Sunday
-My birthday was yesterday! (ugggh 42 years old)
-Brian's dad's birthday is tomorrow
-Our wedding anniversary is on Thursday (4 years)
-Our feeding therapist (Dr Patel) is here today - this will be Kaitlyn's last time with Dr Patel most likely! (we may need a bit of consulting work here and there) but what I haven't mentioned in a while is.. DRUM ROLL PLEASE- Kaitlyn has only vomited 1 time in three weeks!!!! This is huge, I"ve been wanting to post more on the subject, but I just haven't had a free minute (I'll update more later). She's eating really, really well generally. We still have to measure and weigh out her food and work on feeding her, but generally, her feeding and chewing skills have really improved a lot in the last 2 months.
-I've been sad again that I'm no longer pregnant, I just finally put away all my maternity clothes (or gave them back to the wonderful women who loaned t hem to me). But we are done, no more children for the McCarthys, I didn't get the have the normal pregnancy that I wanted, but the I'll take the outcome - a normal, healthy baby that we love dearly like his sister.
But generally, Brian and I comment to each other that we think that Quinn is so much easier to take care of than Kaitlyn was and even still is. WOW, we feel like we do have our much dreamed about "term baby" experience. The kids doctor today even told me that Quinn is a healthy, regular baby, yes we'll still adjust his age, but he's doing really, really well. He's not a fussy little guy at all (except for on occasion when he grazes when he eats for a 2+ hour period at night which isn't fun). Yes, we are tired, as he eats every 3 hours, but he cries, he eats, that's it. NO vomit. No measuring feeds, no feeding tubes, just eats and poops, occasionally spits up and that's it! What an amazing thing. I remember when moms used to tell me when I'd "complain" about how hard it was to take care of Kaitlyn and they'd say, "oh, my baby spits up too". I"m telling you, a spitting up baby is NOTHING like a what we had to deal with when we fed Kaitlyn. That was projectile vomit, horrible projectile vomit - NOT spit up!
Kaitlyn has generally been indifferent to her little brother, but has been acting out a bit lately (nothing too bad), saying things like, put Quinn back in bed, no feed Quinn, but I think all the family in town has been helpful in keeping her occupied. We'll see what happens when things get back to just Brian and I! And we'll see how I manage once Brian goes back to work, that's what really worries me to be honest. Kaitlyn is still hard to feed and with feeding Q all night and trying to work, I"m a bit worried. Just with the last few days of work being really busy all of a sudden I've been crazed!
Here are a few pictures of our now 7 pound little fella!
I'm so glad to hear Quinn is doing well. He is looking great--so big! I long for the day when we can have a tube-less baby also. We never had to deal with vomiting (Evan had a Nissen), but a lot of gagging and constantly venting the tube. The picture of Kaitlyn enjoying the cup-cake is priceless. Happy belated birthday (mine was last Saturday)!
Sarah (mom to Evan)
Hooray! I am so glad everything is going well and hooray on the no vomit! I hope this trend continues! Thankie for the update :)
And Happy Belated Birthday!!! :) Hugs!
First of all, Quinn is adorable. So, so cute.
Secondly, I know you've been waiting for soooo long to be able to say Kaitlyn is not vomiting anymore. I truly hope this is the beginning of the end of all the feeding issues she has had--for both of you. Imagine how much happier she has to be.
Also, Happy Birthday and Anniversary!
Oh Liz! Quinn is so beautiful!! What a perfect little fact.
I loved seeing the picture of Kaitlyn eating the cupcake, such a great childhood pastime. lol
Happy Belated Birthday too!!
Hi Liz...
Happy everything! :-)
Everyone looks happy, healthy and wonderful!
If you need anything at all, give me a shout via email or phone!
Kristin & Presleigh
When I was pumping, I put a small amount of extra virgin olive oil on a cotton pad and rubbed it on the inside of the shields. As long as I did that, my nipples didn't hurt at all!
Hi! My name is Lesli, and I happened onto your blog a while back(on one of those kid is not sleeping well, might as well stalk the internet kind of nights!) Congrats on your new little one!
My dd was a full term baby, but due to complications from the epidural and nipple confusion, she did not latch until 10 weeks. I pumped in the meantime, and though it was not fun, it is doable. The olive oil tip is great! That is what I used as well, and it works wonders. ALso make sure that you have the correct size flanges for your nipples. Medela(making an assumption here) makes flanges in 5 or 6 sizes, the 24mm ones being the standard. Only 30% of women can use the standard sizes comfortably, but most don't know this. I am built is such a way that the standards look like they fit, but did not do the job, and put too much pressure on my nipple. Within 24 hours of changing flanges, I felt like a new woman!
Take your time with working him to the breast as well. In our case, she may have gone to the breast sooner, but I had thrush and it was not worth latching her to end up treating both of us. By the time we did work on latching, she was old enough and heavy enough that it was not such a concern for her to get full feedings for a couple days(she was REALLY lazy about nursing at first). Some thing else that also helped was to switch bottle nipples around on her. We also found the slowest flow nips we could, so she would have to work to get to the milk.
I hope that helps, and once again, congratulations!
What wonderful news, all around! I'm so happy to hear that Quinn is doing well, and that's AWESOME that Kaitlyn isn't vomiting as much! It's such a relief to be able to say "wow...when did --------- vomit last?"
I remember, when I started with the family that I've been with, 3 years ago (wow!) that the older brother (2.5 years at the time) would say things like "no, don't feed E..." and would always try to get me to stop paying attention to her and give my attention to him. Kaitlyn will adjust, it just takes time. It just takes a little balancing, and the constant gentle reminder that they are not the only child that needs attention.
I am SO HAPPY to hear that all seems to be going well. K looks HUGE, and Q looks FAT!
Mila is loving her new tube, and I can't thank you enough for all the support.
Really great to hear things are going well. Kaitlyn looks so big, like a real little girl now, no longer a toddler. Quinn is gorgeous. Just remember to give Kaitlyn lots of extra love and get her to feel helpful around Quinn and she will come around. Hard for them to accept a new sibling at this age. I can't believe you are working already. Holding thumbs that everything keeps going well.
I've been following your blog since your second pregnancy with Quinn. I am a mother of a 27 weeker and again pregnant and on bedrest once again. You've given me inspiration with your stories and experiences and although you wanted a full-term normal pregnancy, it's awesome to hear that Quinn is doing well for a 34 weeker and you get to experience some of the 'normal' things a full term baby does. I keep your family in our prayers. Good luck with going back to work and jugging a family. I dread doing that once I have the second baby but it's amazing how we manage to get by doing it. Take care and feel free checking out our blog.
Gosh he is a beautiful baby!
1. Praise GOD for Kaityln's progress! WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!
2. Quinn is gorgeous!
3. You look great in the pics.
4. I have no suggestions for sore nipples.
4. Get some rest.
Your friend across the miles,
Shannon in Austin
So glad to hear that everything is going well.
So glad to hear all is moving forward with Kaitlyn and feeding and Quinn and growing! Man, what a long road this has been for you, Liz. All of the breast feeding advice sounds great. I was in constant pain for 6 months of breast feeding and figured that that was the way it was supposed to be. Times have changed!
Take care, Maria K.
Congratulations for Kaitlyn's eating! I have posted a few of times on your blog. I went back to work with both my daughters, so I pumped a lot. I assume you are an experienced pumper, so you are probably already using a Medela pump. If not, get Medela. Secondly, buy the SOFT-FIT cups. This is important! They are made mostly of rubber rather than of plastic and they are so much gentler on the nipples. They can save you a lot of cuts on the nipples. I would not use anything else after I used these. They cost about 10$ at babies r us or online at The other thing is, I know you are working and it's hard when you are pressed for time, but try and take your time and relax to pump, i.e., sometimes things work better if you set your pump on a lower setting. Milk comes out a bit slower but the final amount is the same and your breasts won't feel brutalized at the end, so the next session will be easier. You really need to be gentle on the breasts even while keeping a steady pumping schedule. Take some time to put breastmilk on the nipples at the end of the pumping session, and let it dry, it heals small cuts. And the old trick of warm compresses before, cold after always helps. Good luck and my very best wishes. Anna.
What a great update! I am so happy to hear all of the GREAT things! And happy belated birthday!!!
Hi Liz-
It is great to hear ALL are doing well. I too had extremely sensitive nipples...I lost the skin on my nipples 4 times due to psoriasis before they got used to twins learning to breast feed and all the pumping. I got a prescription for Dr. Newman's Nipple Cream when the nipples were at their worst. The Walgreens in the 3838 California St. SF medical building can make it (rumor has it they are the only pharmacy in town that makes it). My OBGYN called in a prescription for me when the twins were still in the NICU. Also, I used Motherlove Nipple Cream (sold at Whole foods, Day One, and Rainbow Grocery in SF), and many online stores. Some lactation consultants did not like the Motherlove cream and others thought it was fine. The NICU doctors were fine with me putting on the cream before pumping. Also, I used a 100%l anolin cream, but I liked the Motherlove cream best. I remember well the breastfeeding, supplementing with a bottle, and then pumping 2 hours later and I did not have a toddler. I am exhausted thinking about it. Best to you and the whole family!
mom to Francisca & Theo May 2007 (33wks 2dys)
I know it's tiring, but keep putting that boy to breast first before his bottle. Eventually he'll get it! You are doing a great job. Thanks for the update.
Am I the only one that thinks Quinn looks just like his Daddy????? It's amazing.
Great to hear that Kaitlyn is doing better with her GI issues! Some of it I relate to a bit since my stomach got messed up with NSAIDs trying to get my tendinitis under control. Reading about her has helped me put my issues in perspective when I am feeling down about it. I hope all her GI issues heal over time and it will all be a thing of the past and you can just concentrate on enjoying those two beautiful children you have =).
Liz, Brian and Kaitlyn,
What wonderful news! QUINN is darling and what a great name!!! You all look genuinely happy, ecstatic, and full of joy! Lotsa luv to you!
Yay! So glad Quinn is doing well and so happy about Kaitlyn's eating!!
You guys deserve all this happiness!!!
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