I'm sorry I wasn't able to mail everyone our birth announcement, I mailed out 100 and still would have loved to send so many more. So I'm posting it here for all to see.
Help Prevent Premature Babies
March of Dimes has an annual fund-raising walk in support of trying to prevent premature babies. I just last weekend decided to walk and raise funds myself in names of my girls.
I set what I thought was a lofty goal to raise $1,000 figuring if I got half-way there I would be happy with the short notice (2 weeks).
Well, I was so shocked today when I hit that goal already! So many of you have reached out to us in so many ways, and now in support of this great organization! Thank you!
I haven't gotten much exercise what so ever in the last year (still recovering from my 3+ months of bedrest) so the 6 miles will be exciting for me to walk. I may even try to bring Katilyn along in our new jogging stroller (courtesy of all the real estate agents in my office), but I would have to pump feed her on the road, so we'll see.
Here's a link to the girls Walk America page. I do have a picture of both of them together, Corinne is holding Kaitlyn's hand. (It may be hard for some to see) Nurse Rose positioned them for this picture, and it means the absolute world to me to have them together in the same bed.
If you live here in the Bay Area and would like to join me for the walk, I would love some supporters and company!! It's at 9 am in SF in the presidio. The details are on my walk page.
Update on Kaitlyn:
Well, she's still vomiting. I keep hoping that it will stop, but that just doesn't seem to be the case. The pump at night is going great and allowing us to finally get some much needed rest. Thankfully, Kaitlyn is a fabulous sleeper, so we set the pump on a continuous feed for 8 hours. We fill up the milk (my breat milk) 1/2 through and change her diaper, but other than that she sleeps the whole time!
Yesterday the wonderful Early Intervention Specialist (Jan) from the hospital came to visit Kaitlyn and indicated that she is doing wonderfully! This is such great news. I'm always worried about developmental delays due to her extreme prematurity.
She's really starting to reach out for objects and look at her hands a lot. It's so fun to watch her learn.
Her "communication" is definitely delayed, as I still haven't seen much in the way of smiling. The one I caught on film was about the only little smile session we've had. Most babies start smiling around 1 month and she's now 3.5 months adjusted.
She's not eating at all. She used to nipple a bit on occasion, but nothing any more what-so-ever.
Kaitlyn Has a Cousin!
Yesterday, Stella McCarthy Tessier was born in CT! Brian's sister Elissa had a baby, 7.5 pounds and we are so excited that Kaitlyn will have a girl cousin her same age! Unfortunately, they live on the opposite side of the country, and with Kaitlyn's poor lung condition, we aren't allowed to fly anywhere, so they won't be "seeing" each other for quite some time I'm guessing. But mom and baby are doing really well.
Hi Liz,
What a beautiful announcement! I am so glad you shared it on your website. It is perfectly stated and just a beautiful tribute to both of your little angels!
I have been following you blog but haven't been able to write a message - so busy around here! First off, I was so sorry to hear about Brian's grandpa, I know that must have been another disappointment for you guys. Second, I am sorry that Kaitlyn's feedings are still not going well - one of these days she will catch up ... right?? Lastly, Congrats on meeting your goal for the March of Dimes, I am so proud of you! You will do fantastic. I wish I could walk with you ... we will be down at Disneyland (the girls first trip). I will keep you in my prayers though!
Take care and hope to see you soon!
Love & Hugs,
Last year I was able to get Wal-Mart to give me a "matching funds grant" (up to $1000). You just have to ask for the forms at the cust. serv. dept. They sent me a check about a week after the walk. I was so excited to add the additional $1000 to my funds raised! Have fun walking, I'll be walking the same day!
I love the birth announcement!
:) Jodi
Your birth announcement is absolutely beautiful!
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